Calvin Klein held their first photo shoot with a plus size model this week.
Myla Dalbesio, a 27 year old model never thought she'd be able to model for a company like Calvin Klein as they don't normally go for girls larger than a size 8.
Throughout her career she has tried to lose weight so that she could feature in high profile shoots, such as this.
Ms Dalbesio is currently a US size 10, which is equivalent a size 14 in the UK.
The public often question why people who represent a 'normal' size can't be used in advertising, and some people are arguing that this is industry stepping up to that.
But Ms Dalbesio isn't exactly plus size, to claim she is their first larger model is ridiculous.
In an industry where a size 10 is classed as a plus size, is it any wonder that there has been a 10% increase in cases of bulimia and anorexia nervosa in the UK (source)?
This sort of thing doesn't offer a good example to the young people of today, especially in today's digital age, where they have access to more and more on the internet.
It's unfair to categorise people by their size, and if the industry really wants to reflect society as a whole, they need to use some real plus size models.
Don't insult the public by saying people as small as this are 'plus size', and don't bring down the self-esteem of models like Ms Dalbesio by calling her plus size when she clearly isn't.
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